Monday, June 15, 2015

Marriage and family-hood is a burden dumped on the Indian man

People reading this blog will call me a pessimist and a hater of the Indian society. I give a damn.

The truth is that marriage as an Institution is dumped upon the Indian man. If Indian women are forced into matrimony, so are Indian men.While women openly cry on their miserable conditions, men swallow it with stoicism and go on living their lives and doing their work.

In the Indian society before a man is able to prove his worth professionally, he is tied with the shackles of marriage.It is his biological age and not his emotional maturity that determines marriage.

Thus begins a vicious cycle. Marriage, wife, children, family and problems.The liberated class may state that marriage is now being postponed by men and many men are getting married in the later years of their lives.Please spare me the rhetoric. the above statement applies to the globe trotting  rich and upper middle class Indians.They don't count as a majority, they are best treated as outliers.

Majority men in India rarely explore themselves.By the time they are 25 years old , a frantic search for a beautiful, good looking bride starts.Parents and relatives don't even give a thought at the son's career or future growth.Many men have still not gained the emotional maturity required to handle the responsibilities of a married life.Many have just recently taken up their first step in their careers.There are a lot of uncertainties lying ahead.One needs to establish a firm grip over his job and career.But in a society that lives on fake happiness, rationality and pragmatism has always become a casualty.A man with practical thoughts is considered to be a fool and dismissed as a cynic.

Parents play the role of typical pimps.They go around sourcing the best looking girl for their son, you know , that fair skinned, good looking, sweet well mannered and well cultured girl.
They forget the shortcomings of their own son.And one a girl has been finalized, you have a marriage happening with all that celebrations and fanfare.

Once all the required ceremonies are over, real life starts. It delivers a harsh slap across ones's face.Things don't go as smoothly how it was intended to be.Anger, hatred, jealousy, envy, hurt and abuse strain the relationship.One gets stuck into a quagmire of living upto and meeting the expectations of the Indian society.What follows is dead end jobs, lack of career growth, home loans , EMI's. That what life becomes for a man, he gets stuck, can't move ahead and can't go back.

This is the story of many married Indian men in this country. They wake up everyday cursing their lives. They think about how different their lives would have been if they had not married or married late after having set a firm foot in their careers.They realize that they have never really lived their lives, never lived for themselves.This the misery and discontent that takes a toll on many Indian men.

Concluding this post I state that there are many Indian men who are forced into matrimony either by diplomatic coercion or by emotional blackmail. And eventually many men end up living a worthless life.

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