Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bhaveen Sheth-Confessions of an Intellectual Arrogant Male

Yes I am arrogant, so what??

I am arrogant because i am a subject matter expert.

I am arrogant because I keep myself updated with the latest developments happening in my field.

I am arrogant because i value my self respect and my personal dignity.

I approach people with a so called "down to earth nature" only to be rebuked, insulted and humiliated so now i take the arrogant stance.

I approach incompetent and insecure people, so insecure that they will do anything do defend their position. Mediocrity has become the norm in all industries in this country.

I ask a little bit of help and support from you and you treat me like a class 4 category staff and then you call me arrogant.

Why don't you admit that you get inferiority complex when you meet intellectual and competent people????

I am arrogant and I will remain arrogant and you know what?? I give a shit about it. I am thick skinned and can take such form of criticism, because i know that my work will prove my worth.

This is Bhaveen Sheth signing off for the day, will get back with more.

Bhaveen Sheth

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