Sunday, June 24, 2012

Bhaveen Sheth-Proving my Detractors Wrong by Doing the Impossible and the Unexpected

In all the years that have gone by I have come across people, many of them who have been either my colleagues or superiors who have underestimated my Knowledge, Skills and abilities.Some of had even me written me off in the but they were all wrong. 

Time and again I have proved my Detractors wrong by doing the impossible, the unexpected and at times the Outrageous. Yes my dear readers, i have done that and will continue to do that.

The reality is that many people think that just because I am straight forward with people and good to others they can take me for granted, just because I am silent i don't have any abilities and an under performer.

That is where they make a mistake, when you see the Bull (which incidentally happens to be my star sign too) you tend to underestimate him, he sits or does his work silently but show him the red flag and you will have it.The Bull will Charge at you and do the most Outrageous and the most unexpected.

That is what I am.... I am Bhaveen Sheth and when i am challenged i prove people wrong by doing the impossible and get remembered as a legend and once a gain I am on quest proving some people wrong.

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